Rabu, 27 September 2017

Persentasi Bahasa Inggris Untan

Nama              : Otmar Mangara sitompul
Nim                 : D1131171029
Kelompok      :  8 (VIII)

(Group Work)
1)  U.S. based college system always encouraged to discuss together to discuss various topics and ideas 
     so that class activities become more exciting and not boring while The Education Implementation 
     System used in Higher Education is "Credit System", which is meant here is a system of educational
     administration in which the student's study load, the lecturer's workload and the burden of organizing 
     the educational institution are stated in the credit. While the special purpose of the application of S.K.S
    System in Higher Education is provide an opportunity for students who are able to learn and learn successfully to complete the study in the shortest possible time.
2)  I have a long wanted to enter in mechanical engineering because i want to create a new machine
3)  Because I want to make a weapon of war for the country so that this country becomes a big and strong
     country and the weapon that I want to make is a nuclear weapon but the weapon I want to develop into 
     a technology useful for human life.
4)  In my opinion the system of universities in Indonesia is good but that must be considered again the 
     money for the recovery of small communities or less able to continue education at higher levels so that
     it can raise the degree and economy of their families will be

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