Sabtu, 23 Desember 2017

Manfaat Ice Cream

1. Meminimalisir risiko tumor dan HIV

Siapa sih yang ingin terhindar dari kedua penyakit mematikan ini? Yup, tumor dan HIV adalah salah satu contoh penyakit yang belum ditemukan obat utamanya hingga sekarang dan yang bisa kita lakukan adalah melakukan beberapa hal yang menghindarkan kita dari kedua penyakit ini. Seperti halnya yang kita tahu pada, manfaat daun kelor untuk kanker ataupun manfaat daun sirsak untuk tumor kedua hal tersebut juga efektif untuk meminimalisir risiko tumor menyerang kita.

Es krim memiliki kandungan laktoferin yang tinggi dan hal ini bermanfaat untuk meningkatkan sistem imun tubuh kita. Zat yang satu ini juga menghindarkan anak dari terserang influenza di mana penyakit yang satu ini cukup sering menyerang anak mengingat sistem imun tubuh anak yang belum terlalu kuat. Zat ini juga berfungsi untuk meminimalisir risiko kita terserang tumor di kemudian hari.

2. Sebagai alternatif asupan susu

Sebagian dari kita pasti tahu betapa pentingnya asupan susu untuk anak, terutama ketika mereka dalam masa golden age alias ketika mereka berada dalam tahap perkembangan. Namun tidak jarang juga anak yang menolak minum susu karena tidak suka dengan rasa atau baunya yang cukup berbeda dengan ASI, yang dulunya menjadi asupan mereka sehari-hari.

Es krim pun bisa menjadi solusi yang tepat untuk anak kita dan tentu saja kita juga harus memperhatikan jumlah asupannya. Kenapa begitu? Es krim memiliki kandungan kalori dan gula yang tinggi dan hal ini bisa menyebabkan anak cepat kenyang atau bahkan obesitas jika kita memberikannya secara berlebihan. Sebaliknya, asupan susu dibutuhkan anak untuk membangun fondasi tulangnya dengan baik yang juga bermanfaat untuk meminimalisir risiko terserang osteoporosis nantinya. Kita pun bisa menjaga kesehatan tulang dengan lebih optimal dengan cara mengonsumsi beberapa hal, seperti yang telah kita ketahui pada manfaat seledri untuk tulang, manfaat cdr ataupun manfaat olahraga bagi tulang.

3. Tingginya kalsium dan vitamin

Siapa bilang jika es krim tidak mengandung zat yang menyehatkan tubuh kita? Yup, usut punya usut ternyata es krim memiliki beberapa zat yang bermanfaat untuk kesehatan tubuh kita, terutama bagi anak. Contohnya saja es krim mengandung beberapa vitamin seperti vitamin A, B1, B12, dan lain-lain. Tidak ketinggalan kalsium yang menjadi kandungan utama pada es krim. Kalsium sendiri sangat bermanfaat untuk membentuk tulang dan gigi anak yang kuat serta menjaga kerja saraf dan otot tetap stabil. Ketika anak kekurangan asupan kalsium, ada kemungkinan besar saat mereka dewasa atau sudah paruh baya akan mengalami osteoporosis. Seperti yang kita tahu, kita bisa mendapatkan asupan kalsium yang optimal juga dari manfaat teh celup daun kelor ataupun manfaat teh daun salam.

Nah itu tadi adalah beberapa manfaat es krim untuk anak. Tidak pernah kita duga sebelumnya bukan? Kita akan mendapatkan manfaat ini apabila kita memberikan es krim pada anak dalam batas yang wajar, alias tidak berlebihan dan pastinya juga dengan kualitas es krim yang terjamin pula. So, tidak ada alasan lagi untuk menolak memberikan es krim pada anak bukan?

Kamis, 30 November 2017

beach of singkawang

Well my friends this time I will share information where my faforit holiday is Pasir Panjang beach. Pasir Panjang Beach is a natural tourist attraction in the form of long white sandy beach located in Tujuh Belas Subdistrict, Singkawang City, West Kalimantan. This beach stretches along 3 kilometers, so called Pasir Panjang beach. This beach has beautiful white sand and calm waves.At Pasir Panjang beach, visitors can enjoy a beautiful panorama of the sea. In the distance this beach, visitors can also see the island of Lemukutan, Kabung island, and Randayan island which is bounded by Natuna sea waters. Splendid beach sand and clean beach makes this area comfortable to use for sunbathing or doing sports activities, such as beach volleyball and beach football. The beauty of the beach sunset Pasir Panjang is also not less than the famous beach cloth. Very tenag when it comes to the sound of waves, winds and beautiful sunset.Visitors usually aka anyak when the end of the year and during Chinese community immigrants.Not only that for the friends who come here, do not be afraid of lodging problems.In singkawang city is already composed of several hotels, even on the long sand beach also has a hotel.Pasir Panjang Beach Singkawang In Pasir Panjang Beach area there is a tourist information center, discotheque, speed boat rental, water bike, darmoling, gokart, shelter-shelter, tourist cottage, and souvenir shop.
Visitors who are not accustomed to swimming on the beach can swim in the available pool, while those who do not like swimming or sunbathing can surround the beach with a banana boat ride. Visitors who bring their children can still have fun because in this area is available children's playground.

Selasa, 14 November 2017

My best friend

In this articel i wan to tell you about my best friend. when I was in high school I had only one friend name Henrikus Rendi (called Rendi) he was my only real friend. We are always together, sitting together and being responsible together in doing good things. Usually in our friendly there is also a personal problem that is the issue of debt, friends etc. this problem is very heavy that is FRIENDS we ever make a mistake on the best friend. I used to have time to split with my friend several times. but I do not want to split with him because I want to run this friendship smoothly then I apologize to him and invite him to make friends again.

There are many obstacles that we pass through, we are always together. We have the same hobby that is race. Even though we did not follow the official race. We have a dream if someday we will become a racer. Yes walaupin we know this is only a dream that is impossible to be realized but we are always optmis to make it happen. And not only that we also often do things that harm us, such as skipping school, and others. The friendship that we lived for 3 years was not felt and after we graduated it turns out we can not be together again because he had to continue his studies at one university in Jogjakarta, and I in Pontianak. Nevertheless we will remain friends. We will always keep our friendship. And hopefully we will be successful. So many stories about my friend. next time I will tell about my best friend again.

Selasa, 31 Oktober 2017

Food Review Ayam Geprek

Chicken geprek is a fried chicken pounded with ulekansehingga meat scattered berai and then served with an appetizing chili sauce. The special of Chicken Geprek Istimewa is chicken used. This restaurant uses a chicken as an option. The chicken meat will taste tender if cooked properly; but if not right in the processing, the meat will be tough. And the chicken here feels soft with spices that seep not only in the meat but up into the bone. One serving of geprek chicken contains one fried chicken digeprek with a sprinkling of fried onions in large quantities, cucumber pieces, and spicy sauce nonjok depleted . I bought this food because it is enough bolt bag pocket children. Chicken geprek my favorite food, chicken geprek made from chicken in lavauri chili ingredients that are in use in making chicken geprek ingredients chili, tomato, onion, salt, micin, and others
It made me love the chicken geprek for spicy and savory. I usually order a chicken geprek at my place of action that is agreed ll at cape pingit. And the price is very affordable with the price of 15 thousand one servings of him .. the umpteenth of the explanation geprekdari cock i thank ksaih for his attention

Kamis, 19 Oktober 2017

1.Pikirkan tentang cara Anda merasa nyaman.  layaknya Anda berada di sekitar orang-orang yang telah Anda kenal, dengan begitu Anda bisa bertindak dan bersikap lebih spontan. Dalam situasi bertemu dengan orang yang baru Anda kenal, jangan biarkan rasa percaya diri Anda memudar. Cobalah untuk tidak minder, tetap bersikap tenang dan senyuman mungkin bisa menjadi senjata ampuh bagi Anda ditambah dengan sapaan-sapaan ramah.

- 2. Hindari terlalu memperhatikan diri Anda sendiri. Tentu saja, Anda boleh sedikit memikirkan tentang bagaimana Anda akan melakukan perbicangan dengan orang banyak, tapi hindari seluruh fokus Anda tercurah pada kata-kata apa yang akan Anda keluarkan dari mulut Anda sendiri dan perasaan Anda. Selanjutnya Anda akan mulai merasa gugup sendiri biasanya, tarik nafas dalam-dalam untuk beberapa kali akan meredakan perasaan itu.

3. Buat pertanyaan terbuka pada semua orang. Banyak orang yang lebih senang bicara tentang diri mereka sendiri, dan temukan sebuah topik yang membuat orang lain tertarik. Seperti; kondisi cuaca pada hari ini, kondisi jalanan yang Anda atau mereka lewati, dll. Apa yang membuat mereka tertarik akan membuat perbicangan berjalan menyenangkan bagi semua orang. Hindari mengajukan pertanyaan yang memungkinkan jawabannya hanya ya atau tidak.

4. Berhentilah percaya pada imajinasi Anda. Mungkin Anda pernah membuat gambaran tentang sebuah liburan yang menyenangkan dan pada kenyataanya jauh berbeda dari yang Anda bayangkan. Itu menunjukan betapa tak dapat dipercayanya bayangan kita sendiri. Berhentilah memikirkan apa yang dipikirkan orang lain, karena apa yang dipikiran orang lain tentang Anda, belum tentu sama persis seperti bayangan Anda.

5. Berhentilah memikirkan 'segalanya atau bukan apa-apa.' Pemikiran 'pasti begini/pasti begitu' tertuang saat Anda mengalami emosi. Orang-orang yang sedang depresi, marah dan gelisah melihat kenyataan dari hal-hal ini dengan perbedaan yang ektrim. Bagi orang yang sedang marah 'Anda salah' dan 'mereka benar,' orang yang marah akan melihat dirinya 'gagal', sedang yang lain 'berhasil.' Jadi berhentilah berpikir kalau Anda mungkin telah mengatakan hal yang salah, atau orang lain akan membenci Anda. Saat Anda merasa rileks dalam pergaulan sosial, Anda juga akan mendapat lebih sedikit peringatan dari diri sendiri, karena dalam keadaan gugup, biasanya Anda akan mulai berpikir tentang segalanya atau bukan apa-apa.

1. Think about how you feel comfortable. like you are around people you already know, so you can act and be more spontaneous. In a situation of meeting new people, do not let your self-confidence fade away. Try not to be inferior, remain calm and smile may be a powerful weapon for you plus a friendly greeting.

- 2. Avoid paying too much attention to yourself. Of course, you can think a little about how you will talk to the crowd, but avoid focusing your whole focus on what words you'll get out of your own mouth and your feelings. Next you will begin to feel nervous yourself usually, take a deep breath for several times will ease the feeling.

3. Make open-ended questions to everyone. Many people prefer to talk about themselves, and find a topic that attracts others. As; the weather conditions of the day, the road conditions you or they are passing, etc. What makes them interested will make talking fun for everyone. Avoid asking questions that allow the answer to be yes or no.

4. Stop believing in your imagination. Maybe you've made a picture of a fun vacation and in fact it's a lot different than you think. It shows how unbelievable our own image is. Stop thinking about what others think, because what others think about you, is not necessarily exactly like yours.

5. Stop thinking of 'everything or nothing.' Thought 'must be so / must be so' written as you experience emotions. People who are depressed, angry and anxious to see the reality of these things with extreme differences. For those who are angry 'you are wrong' and 'they are right,' angry people will see themselves 'fail', while others 'succeed'. So stop thinking that you may have said the wrong thing, or someone else will hate you. When you feel relaxed in social circles, you will also get fewer warnings from yourself, because in a state of nervousness, you will usually start thinking about everything or nothing.

Minggu, 15 Oktober 2017


Nama:Otmar mangara sitompul
Nim.  :D1131171029

My goal 5 years ahead, finished college I want to share my parents, and become a successful person.
and I want to work in TOYOTA cv in Jakarta to be a manager in the prushan, and if I am not received in the cv I want to continue my parent's business, build his business to be better and growing and successful.
so much from me, thank you

Jumat, 29 September 2017



 In pontianak yesterday especially custom home radang there is an event that is honda baikers. The event is gatherng in bikars kalimantan barat. The event, may showing the show grab, like race lessons can be taken is a better relationship of fellow child honda bikers.


The university of tanjungpura in pontianak. On Friday the 22nd september 2017 their is a mass together all students university tanjungpura.
Lessons can be taken from the event we can know each other and can be closer to God. Together the people of religion.


In sungai raya dalam pontianak, there was a running rad lights the lessons are taken. A person who is running red lights its not good could be harming ourselves each and harming others. And could an accident on the highway


There are events in pontianak birthday club of motorcycle ratle, on street gajah mada pontianak. Lessons can be taken from the event, many of the show’s, singing contest and the race between motor modifications. Get to know other club motors from range of provincial and district.


1. Di pontianak kemarin terutama rumah adat radang ada acara honda. Acara ini di adakan di kalimantan barat. dalam acara ini banyak yang bisa diraih, seperti lomba lomba yang bisa diambil yaitu adalah yang berhubungan baik dengan sesama pengendara honda.

 2. Universitas tanjungpura di pontianak. Pada hari Jum'at tanggal 22 september 2017 mereka adalah massa bersama semua mahasiswa universitas tanjungpura.
Pelajaran bisa diambil dari acara yang bisa kita saling mengenal dan bisa lebih dekat dengan Tuhan. Bersama-sama orang-orang beragama.

3.  Di sungai raya di pontianak, ada lampu merah yang sedang berjalan pelajarannya diambil. Seseorang yang menjalankan lampu merah yang tidak bagus bisa melukai diri sendiri dan merugikan orang lain. Dan bisa saja kecelakaan di jalan raya

4. Ada acara ulang tahun pontianak club sepeda motor ratle, di jalan gajah mada pontianak. Pelajaran bisa diambil dari acara tersebut, banyak acara, lomba menyanyi dan lomba modifikasi motor. Kenali klub motor lain dari berbagai provinsi dan kabupaten.

Rabu, 27 September 2017

Persentasi Bahasa Inggris Untan

Nama              : Otmar Mangara sitompul
Nim                 : D1131171029
Kelompok      :  8 (VIII)

(Group Work)
1)  U.S. based college system always encouraged to discuss together to discuss various topics and ideas 
     so that class activities become more exciting and not boring while The Education Implementation 
     System used in Higher Education is "Credit System", which is meant here is a system of educational
     administration in which the student's study load, the lecturer's workload and the burden of organizing 
     the educational institution are stated in the credit. While the special purpose of the application of S.K.S
    System in Higher Education is provide an opportunity for students who are able to learn and learn successfully to complete the study in the shortest possible time.
2)  I have a long wanted to enter in mechanical engineering because i want to create a new machine
3)  Because I want to make a weapon of war for the country so that this country becomes a big and strong
     country and the weapon that I want to make is a nuclear weapon but the weapon I want to develop into 
     a technology useful for human life.
4)  In my opinion the system of universities in Indonesia is good but that must be considered again the 
     money for the recovery of small communities or less able to continue education at higher levels so that
     it can raise the degree and economy of their families will be

Jumat, 15 September 2017


Good morning, 
praise our gods to the omnipotent god for the health that has been bestowed upon usIntroduce

my name Otmar Mangara Sitompul 
I was born in Serukam, on 14 June 1999
I am the youngest of 4 siblings
my origin from the district bengkayang 
now i live in jl. Pondok Indah Letari Gg. k05
I am now studying at Tanjungpura University Pontianak
I am Catholic
My hobby is modifying motor vehicles and roads
my favorite food is fried rice

Which school are you from :


reasons for mechanical engineering :

my first choice actually entered the management but I did not qualify and I escaped in mechanical engineering, since I am already comfortable in mechanical engineering so I will continue it until finished.

purpose after graduation in mechanical engineering :

I want to work in PT. TOYOTA in Jakarta and if I am not accepted in the company I want to continue my parent's business in Seluas, my parent's business is to open a small workshop.

my brief introduction,

thank you for looking at my first blog.

Good night